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Connolly Backpedals in Hopes to Clean Things Up…

August 21, 2013

…but he’s about to crash.

In response to the outpouring of criticism about his acceptance of a half-million dollar donation from the corporate-interest group, Stand For Children, Boston Mayoral Candidate John Connolly held an emergency press conference outside of City Hall earlier today.

As delivered 8/21/2013 by John R. Connolly: 

As you know, an organization called Stand for Children endorsed me Monday evening.

I’ve known Stand as a group that works in support of President Obama’s Race to the Top. I’m grateful for everyone who supports my work to help Boston’s children including Stand for Children.  Transforming urban schools is my life’s work and I appreciate the support that I’ve received from so many parents, teachers, students and community groups across Boston.

I received a call Monday evening from a representative from Stand informing me of the endorsement. I thanked him, and he wished me luck. That was the extent of our conversation. The first I learned of a $500,000 independent expenditure was when I read about it in the newspaper. Stand’s comments yesterday created the impression that I accepted a $500,000 contribution to my campaign. I did not request any contribution, I do not want any contribution, and I have not accepted any contribution. I did not ask for any money from outside groups, and I don’t want it.  

In the past few weeks, I have been increasingly concerned as I have watched multiple independent expenditure groups quietly form. I am deeply worried that such groups are going to warp the debate by making large purchases for TV and radio commercials, and that they are going to open the door for negative campaigning. I want voters to hear directly from me and my volunteers about my vision for transforming schools, safe and healthy neighborhoods, and jobs and economic opportunity for every Bostonian.

I want to win this race for Boston’s children and families and to begin the work of transforming our Boston Public Schools, but I want to win the right way. Today, I am publicly requesting that Stand for Children refrain from spending any money in support of my campaign, and I am asking that no independent expenditure group spend any money on TV, radio, or other mass media advertising in support of my campaign.
I’m willing to stake my campaign on my belief that Boston’s future begins with our schools. I am a former teacher, a Boston Public Schools parent, and a city councilor who has consistently watched out for Boston’s children, and I believe Boston voters know that. I don’t need an advertising blitz to speak on my behalf. I’ll let my record speak for itself.

His record can speak for itself. Just eighteen hours before that speech, Connolly posted these words on his Facebook page:

“Our first TV ad airs tonight! I hope you’ll take a moment to check it out. 
Many thanks to Roxlind and Beliza for sharing their stories.”

Here is a link to the ad. Wonder who paid for it?

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  1. He participated in an extensive, mulit-step process designed specifically to determine which candidate would receive Stand For Children’s endorsement, which included filling out questionnaires and interviewing with the decision-making panel. IN HOPES OF BEING AWARDED THE ENDORSEMENT. Yet he expects the voters to now believe he didn’t WANT the money?

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  1. Breaking News: Boston Mayor Candidate Rejects Stand on Children’s $500,000 | Diane Ravitch's blog

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